CAPE TOWN +27 21 974 6171 I +27 21 974 6170
PRETORIA +27 12 111 8018 I +27 861 333 443

We understand your needs
The first Chinese focused insurance provider in South Africa. We aim to provide access to the best insurance options to the Chinese community of South Africa in your preferred language.
Overcoming the cultural and language barrier is a problem that has not been addressed previously and we want to give the Chinese community the comfort, convenience and safety that comes with addressing these barriers.
We have access to all the best insurance companies in South Africa and customised packages and documents so you can work in your own language.

Food for thought
The concept of sharing risk in a structured manner goes back to 3000BC when Chinese traders who became tired of losing valuable goods in shipwrecks, proposed what is now recognized as the oldest predecessor to modern insurance.
Merchants divided their goods evenly among the ships, meaning that each boat carried a mix of cargo instead of the goods of a single merchant. Thus, a shipwreck meant a slight loss for all instead of a crippling loss for one — safety in numbers, a time-tested principle that your insurer practices to this day.
The modern version of this (known as insurance) is simply a mechanism of sharing risk with a third party (Insurance company) that accepts the risks you wish not to completely retain, in return for a payment (insurance premium). Basically, you pay an insurance company in order to transfer your risk of a loss, to them.