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Risk Advisory

Risk Management -
The new business paradigm
Today the terms “Risk Services” and “Risk Management” are often used broadly in the market and do not truly reflect their actual technical meaning.
For instance, “buying insurance” is not risk management but merely one of several techniques in terms of “Risk Response Methodology”, the latter, again, a sub-discipline of Risk Management dealing with implicitly addressing “uncertainty”.
In lay terms, Risk Management could be described as the practice of being:
understanding your internal and external environment
understanding your exposure to existing or emerging risk factors
maximising upside risk and minimising downside risk
Being one of only a handful of insurance brokers being qualified in all aspects of risk management, Leger is able to offer our clients bespoke solutions far beyond the conventional as proactive organisations, big and small, must adopt more innovative risk management practices to better meet the challenges of today’s new business landscape – cognisant of all stakeholders, both internal and external.
How can we add value?
Our approach follows an internationally recognised model viz - ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management
Our aim is to assist organisations to adapt effective operational risk capabilities that are flexible, nimble and efficient to address uncertainties which may have an effect organisational objectives, the guidelines of which are fully integrated into each solution.
How will this benefit you?
Substantial saving of money, starting with more effective allocation of risk transfer expenditure
Holistic vision of your business, going forward
Minimising downside risk and maximising upside risk
Making risk management an integral part of your “business as usual” (BAU) management
Clear understanding (and management) of “uncertainties” – ensuring business continuity and long-term sustainability in an ever increasing challenging business environment.