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Corporate Solution

There is an increasing need for guarantees in today's business environment necessitating innovative and flexible alternatives as opposed to more traditional forms of surety such as cash and bank guarantees.​
Leger is a leading insurance guarantee intermediary representing several JSE listed (and foreign bourse) clients.
We offer the following guarantees

Mining Rehabilitation
​On May 3, 2004 the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MRDPA) was implemented. It is a requirement in the act to inter alia rehabilitate the land concerned in any mining operation. ​Leger work closely with each client to analyse the specific nature of the mine’s rehabilitation requirement as per Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) guidelines.

Utility (Eskom, Transnet)
Guarantees to replace cash deposits for electricity connections or users which require credit guarantees for their monthly consumption.

Fuel Industry
Wholesale buyers as well as end users of all fuel, lubricants and related products can now obtain welcome relief through guarantees as an alternative to cash deposits.


Performance Guarantee
A construction guarantee puts the Guarantor in the position of the co-principal debtor with the contractor. The approval of such a guarantee on its own is a testimony of the contractor's ability to perform successfully in terms of the relevant contract

NHBRC (HBGTM) Late Enrolment Guarantee
In addition to bank guarantees the NHBRC will accept other forms of acceptable guarantees provided by Registered Financial Service Providers. The Leger HBG is an NHBRC approved form of guarantee.